MS Agarwal Foundries Pvt. Ltd is an equal opportunities employer. We do not discriminate on grounds of age, gender, color, race, ethnicity, language, caste, creed, economic or social status or disability. We offer equal scope to work, learn, grow and participate in every available opportunity within the company policy so that our staff can show their best of talents and be rewarded accordingly.
As a Group, we are successful because we hire, engage and retain talented employees from around the world who match the ‘people’ capabilities we need. However, equally important is that these talented employees have their own priorities and career aspirations met as individuals. This alignment is our work force strength and leads to our business success.
Explore our Corporate Values below to see if they align with you as an individual and to see why you are a high performer you should join us to build a rewarding career. There are many reasons why you should join us, and these all link to Our Values as an organization. People are what make our business such a great place to work and if you fit the values that align with working in our Group then we know you will enjoy being part of our future success and expansion. We challenge you to recognize your potential and discover your future.