Sri Maneklal Agarwal

Great civilizations all over the world have built monuments that have stood the test of time. This has been made possible due to great engineering standards, sheer hard work and commitment. We at MS Agarwal advocate the philosophy of quality and believe that “Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.” And it is with this attitude we laid the foundation of our company in 1967 and over the years have proved our mettle in the steel industry, evolving year after year.
In 1991-92,the Government of India de-licensed and decontrolled the steel industry and India is one of the largest crude steel producers in the world. Today steel has not only become an industry to reckon with, but has also become a primary tool that can alter the space of the economy.
Just like any other entrepreneur, we too have envisioned to be India’s "Premier" steel company which offers products of superior quality and absolute value for money”. By being the primary steel producer we do not mean being the biggest but the best in terms of Quality, Consumer value, Customer service, Employee talent pool with consistent and predictable growth.
M/s. MS Agarwal Foundries Pvt. Ltd. was founded by a timeless philosophy to be dynamic to “Change” for that is the only constant. We have always strived hard to stretch the standards of growth and innovation with a constant endeavour to upgrade our skills and capabilities, a long list of our Business Associates stand testimony to the unflinching passion and dedication that we inculcate. We hope to continue to abide by the principles which are the very foundation of our Company. Our quality consciousness, together with an attitude of being second to none has placed us in an unenviable position as far the Indian TMT markets are concerned and our boundaries are ever expanding.
Our Brand AF Star & MS Life is sure to redraw new milestones for the industry to follow.
I would like to philosophically conclude with a statement by Ruskin which states “He is only advancing in life, whose heart is getting softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain quicker and whose spirit is entering living peace”.